“There is a part of me that…” An introduction to parts work

Tuesdays, March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

In Person at Open Door

Hannah Jeffery and James Novakowski


These 2 hour workshops are an experiential introduction to Parts – aspects of our psyche that have individuated from a core Self – and how to make contact with, learn from, integrate, and even love those aspects. We’ll introduce the concept of parts, offer exercises and practices to work with them, and have opportunities for individual and group exploration to gain insight.  We will be referencing Internal Family Systems (IFS) in this workshop, but will not be solely focused on that method.

Have you ever noticed how you’re a slightly different person in different contexts – at home, at work, with your family of origin, with your partner, etc.?

Or maybe, when you’re around a particular person, you notice a flavor of orneriness emerge, or grabsiness, or silliness.

Perhaps you need to make an important decision and different aspects of you want different things. It feels like there’s an inner tug-of-war going on. 

These 2 hour workshops are an experiential introduction to Parts – aspects of our psyche that have individuated from a core Self – and how to make contact with, learn from, integrate, and even love those aspects.

Parts work holds the view that our psyche is actually made up of many distinct subpersonalities that hold different values, goals, and beliefs about life. They can play different roles and have many different identities in the psyche – protectors, parents, children, the “good” one, the “black sheep”, the rebel, the hard worker, etc. etc. And we can identify with these aspects – “I am a hard worker” – or reject these aspects – “I’m not lazy”. Regardless of how we orient to these aspects of self, they all hold immense amounts of information, and have in some way been very important to how we’ve learned to navigate throughout our lives.  And, with Parts Work, we get to learn how to offer them (and ourselves) compassion; to not only tolerate them, but to find the truth, beauty and power of what these aspects of us have to offer, and to accept and claim them as beloved parts of us who indeed make us who we are. 

In these workshops we will:

  •  Introduce the concept of parts and how they commonly appear and express themselves

  • Offer different exercises and practices for learning how to discover and work with parts

  • Provide opportunities to make contact with your own psyche, in order to gain insight into when and how these parts emerged, and begin to develop relationship with them

  • Use movement, theatre, dyad exercises and song as mediums to connect with our parts and each other 

Disclaimer: These workshops are not intended as therapy, or as a replacement for working with a trained therapist. Also, neither James nor Hannah have undergone specific IFS training, and name IFS as informing our work.

We have a minimum of 5 participants and a max of 13.  So register soon, and bring a friend!

Please register through Eventbrite:



Venmo: @James-Novakowski (last 4 digits 8459)
