Family Martial Arts
Saturdays 10-10:45 am
Tuesdays 4:15-5 pm
In Person with Kevin Comeau
Students in martial arts classes have fun and get exercise while improving their self-discipline and mindfulness. Our classes cover both karate and judo. The karate classes will lead students through the basics and forms (kihon and kata) of Goju-ryu karate. Judo classes teach kids the fundamentals of falling, throwing, and grappling techniques. Both solo and partner work are practiced each week.

Tai Chi
Offered Mondays & Fridays
In Person and Virtual on Zoom with Kevin Comeau (Mondays) & John Donaghy (Fridays)
This class will provide instruction in the body movements and breathing patterns needed to learn the Yang style short form. This course is suitable for beginners who are interested in improving their health, as well as students with prior experience in the short form. Read more

Medical Qi Gong & Tai Chi
Offered Sundays
In Person with Dr. James Stahl
Restarting January 5th
Medical Qi Gong may be thought of as a movement practice that uses postures, meditation, visualization, and breathing to promote health, strength, flexibility, balance, and mindful awareness. Read more