Medical Qi Gong & Tai Chi

When: Sundays
10:00am - 11:00am

Restarting January 5th

No experience required

In Person at Open Door

Dr. James Stahl

Contact James for pricing and registration

Medical Qi Gong may be thought of as a movement practice that uses postures, meditation, visualization, and breathing to promote health, strength, flexibility, balance, and mindful awareness.

Focus on qigong can be seen most explicitly in the neijia, the “internal” martial arts of Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua. The focus of these classes will be a Bagua-based medical Qigong scientifically demonstrated to improve balance and well-being. An advantage of this approach is it addresses all the main aspects of the equilibrium system; sensory systems involved in balance, in static and dynamic strength, situational awareness, reactive strategies for disequilibrium and anticipatory strategies for movement.

Dr. Stahl is a certified qi gong instructor.

About the Instructor


Tai Chi